Monday, September 13, 2010

Some Basics...

Team Members:
-Kelsey Pfeifer, team leader
-Susanna Linton
-Jean Linton
-Anna Taylor
-John Canavan

Leave: October 8th
Get Back: October 27th

Prayer Requests:
-Finalizing the fundraising and administrative requirements
-Anna Taylor as she leaves school to go on the trip and the Linton sisters as they leave work to go on the trip. Pray that they won't feel too burdened playing catch-up and readjusting to their schedules when they get back.
-Smooth, uneventful, travels
-Pray that we'll be open to God's call and will while we're working at the conference. It can be easy to stay in the "work" mode and miss or ignore opportunities to share the gospel, learn from others, and grow in grace.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you do not let the work interfere with what the Spirit may want to do---praying that you all will be free to build relationships that the Lord brings to you specifically in South Africa---encourage each other for new experiences.

    Praising Jesus and asking Him to surround you all with His angels.

    mrs duling --aunt lois
